Louis Dionne Programming and Categories, Oh My!

ODR, libc++ hardening, Profiles and Contracts

What follows is a writeup I did after receiving a question about Contracts, ODR violations, libc++ hardening and their relationships. Since I think it provides a decent explanation of some of the ODR issues we’ve been discussing in WG21, I am sharing more widely. Thanks to Hui Xie and Anthony Williams for the original communication this is extracted from.

A tentative notion of move-independence

This post will try to answer a simple question: when is it legit to call std::move twice on the same object? While some people would say “never”, I actually think the answer is more subtle. To capture these subtleties, this article will introduce the concept of move-independence, which I believe to be a useful notion to keep in mind when writing generic libraries.

Efficient parameter pack indexing

Recently, I’ve been looking at ways to index into parameter packs with as little compile-time overhead as possible. This is not a new problem, and we know of several metaprogramming techniques to achieve this, some of which offer pretty good compile-times. Most of these techniques are also well documented, for example here and here. So, why write an article about this well-covered topic? Well, I recently decided to cheat and modified the compiler to see how fast we could possibly be. This article summarizes what I found.

GitHub's broken redirection of Pages

I really love GitHub and their product makes my life much easier. Heck, I’m even writing this post from Atom! But their GitHub Pages redirection is truly broken, and I need a solution. Here’s my problem.

A mathematical intuition for empty variants and tuples

The goal of this post is to introduce sum types and product types from a very high level perspective, and to try and derive an intuition for what the meaning of tuple<> and variant<> should be. The mathematics in this post are purposefully kept a bit vague, because being more formal would make the post heavier.

Laziness as a Comonad

This (first!) post will present my current understanding of how laziness can be represented as a Comonad. The interest of seeing laziness as a Comonad appeared while working on a C++ metaprogramming library called Hana as a possible generalization of the eval_if construct from the MPL library. More generally, anyone trying to implement a domain-specific language with a notion of branching inside a strict language (as opposed to non-strict like Haskell) will have to design a system to emulate laziness, in order to evaluate only the branch that was picked by the condition. This post is an attempt to describe such a system using the notion of Comonad.